Donations for a new sit ski.
Its been over a week now that Gayles’ ski has been missing. We hope to find it but we aren’t holding our breathe. If you would like to donate Please go to our Sponsors and Donors page and make a secure donation.

Horrible. Who steals a sit ski? Your interview made it to my Google feed in Colorado. Happy to donate for a new ski so you can put up some walls.
My name is Rodger Stewart. I am the President of EXPAND Beyond, Inc. ( and I was very saddened to hear of Gayle’s ski being stolen. Before you purchase a new ski, please contact me and we can discuss whether or not have a ski that can replace his Kanski. We have some very similar skis that we may be able to donate. You can contact me on my email or at (303) 596-4674.
Thank you Rodger, I sent you an email on behalf of the PLSC.