How do you fund a ski club?

If you’ve ever owned a boat, you know just how expensive waterskiing is. The meme where BOAT stands for Break Out Another Thousand $ seems true. What’s also true is how can a ski club fund itself when everything we do is so expensive? We work at Azura – Sandstone working concerts. The club keeps a percentage of our sales at beer wall #3. This is one of our main fund raisers. We also work on getting grants and sponsorships to make ends meet.
This year our jump was totally rebuilt, with a new paint job and a new surface. We sold advertising on the curtains to pay for the insurance. We also have some incredible members who help fund our Junior Development program, by paying the gas fees for the kids. In short we are always looking for a way to raise money or better our club. If you know of any opportunities we would love to hear from you.
Here is a picture of our friendly beer sales people from the Weezer Concert (6-11-2023)

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