Ski Show Sept 6th 6:00 p.m.
We have some pretty exciting news. The club will do a ski show in the marina cove on Labor Day weekend. Our show will be 6:00 p.m. on Sunday Sept 6th. This season been a very different kind of summer for the club. We have been practicing and working on our acts after a slow start to the summer. It’s all starting to fit together. We hope you will come and bring your lawn chair, best viewing will be on the west side just north of the marina. If you come by boat, you can throw anchor on the east side of the cove. We hope to see you there. FYI, the #1 boat ramp (just south of the marina) will be hard to get to from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. while we do our show. please launch or leave before or after this time.
Here’s a few of the things we hope to show you.
Have a few drone videos of the show. Send me an email and I will get them to you. Wanted to take more but battery life was severely decreased due to the wind.
Thank you for the videos and the stills. Hope to see you guys at one of our shows next summer.